April Showers Bring GSP Flowers
April Showers Bring GSP Flowers
Spring showers have encouraged some of the beautiful carnivorous plants at Gulf State park to bloom with gorgeous pink and red flowers. These flowers bloom early in the spring before most of the carnivorous parts of the plants have grown. This timing helps to keep the pollinators safe since it lowers the risk of the plant trapping them, and the more pollinators that visit the flowers, the more seeds that will be produced. Visit the GSP Nature Center (Mon-Sat, 9 AM to 4 PM) to learn more about GSP’s carnivorous plants and visit a garden with growing carnivore plants. Pictured: Burk’s southern (Sarracenia rosea) pitcher plant; white-topped (Sarracenia leucophylla) pitcher plant; A pink sundew (Drosera capillaris).