Baldwin plantations topic at Jan. 8 Foley free lecture

Baldwin plantations topic at Jan. 8 Foley free lecture

The public is invited to hear Jeanette Bornhold address Plantations in Baldwin County at the Jan. 8 meeting of the Baldwin County Genealogical Society at 10 a.m. in the Foley Public Library’s meeting room (319 East Laurel Ave.).
Pre-registration is required before Jan. 5 by email to
Baldwin County plantataions specialized in cash crops. Early French Colonists had established a few plantations in the late 1700s, and early 1800s. In the eighteenth century, over 60 plantations were established along the major waterways around Mobile.
But early settlers pushing westward introduced plantations and architecture that would come to dominate Baldwin County’s richest farmlands. Come learn about Baldwin County plantations, their location, and their history. And be prepared to be surprised!
Jeanette, a native of Baldwin County, is a descendant of settlers from the early 1800s to Baldwin County. They built large homes to accommodate their families and those that worked the land. This is the basis of her love for sharing history.