Fireworks, bikini contest, BBQ, live music at ‘Bama
Fireworks, bikini contest, BBQ, live music at ‘Bama
The 4th of July weekend celebration at the Flora-Bama includes a road race, a bikini contest, live music (of course), BBQ and fireworks.
The fun starts on July 2 with The Freedom Run featuring the 4-Mile Run/Walk or the 1-Mile Fun Run/Walk beginning at 8 a.m. Registration is $25 and includes a T-Shirt (limited to first 1000 registrations), medals for finishers, food and drink tickets. Packet pick-up is on Friday or before the race. The top 10 male & top 10 female runners will be awarded a $25 Flora-Bama gift card. Pre-registration is available at Packet pickup will be from 4-6 p.m. July 1st at the Flora-Bama or from 6-7:30 a.m. on race day.
The Miss Firecracker Contest will be held inside the ‘Bama big tent at 3 p.m. on July 2. The top three winners from are eligible to compete in the Labor Day Bikini Contest Finale for a chance to win a $5,000 grand prize. Finalists from the Memorial Day weekend and Mullet Toss contests will also be in the final. Sign-ups will begin at noon in front of the tent.
Independence Weekend at the Bama concludes with a spectacular July 4 fireworks display from the beach just after sunset.
The Flora-Bama is, of course, located directly on the Gulf of Mexico at the Florida-Alabama state line.