Foley Police & GlenLakes Golf Club co-host unique March 11 event
Foley Police & GlenLakes Golf Club co-host unique March 11 event
Fundraiser for September’s National K9 Dog Trials includes footgolf tourney
K9’s and their handlers from all over the country will come to the Foley community this September for the 2017 United States Police Canine Association National Dog Trials hosted by the Foley Police Dept. The September 2017 event will take place in the newly constructed Sports Tourism Complex behind Tanger Mall. At the conclusion of the week there will be a free demonstration to the public featuring the K9’s abilities, including a lights and sirens police vehicle procession. GlenLakes Golf Club congratulates the Foley Police Department on such a great national honor and is extremely pleased to host an event that will support such a worthy cause by co-sponsoring the first ever dual tournament scramble with the FPD, which will feature two tournament scrambles on the same day at the same event. Golfers will participate in an 18-hole scramble starting at 9 a.m. playing the Vista/Dunes Golf courses. FootGolfers will begin at 11 a.m. playing the Lakes course. Entry fees include Green Fees, Use of the Practice Area, Lunch, and raffle tickets. Golf contests include Closest to the Pin and Longest Drive. All proceeds will go to the K9 Police Unit. All participants will finish around the same time followed by lunch.
Reserve your spot today. Tournament is open to the first 80 players. Golf cost per player is $65 and FootGolf per player is $30. FootGolfers need to bring their own ball. Deadline for Registration is March 1. To register or for more information or questions, contact Cpl. Carlos Lizarrage at 251-943-4431 or John Thompson at 251-747-0111.