Gulf Shores Lions Golf Tourney March 31 at Peninsula

Gulf Shores Lions Golf Tourney March 31 at Peninsula

Registration and sponsorship opportunities are open for the 48th Annual Gulf Shores Lions Club Charities Max Wilson Memorial Golf for Sight Tournament scheduled for Friday, March 31st at Peninsula Golf Club.
The 4-ball tourney utilizes a blind draw to pair up two person teams to give everyone a fair chance to win regardless of handicap. The $125 per person entry fee includes a post tournament meal, fabulous prizes and supports the many Lions Club charities. The entry fee also includes green fees, cart rental, range balls, a raffle ticket, and three beverage tickets.
Cash Prizes will be awarded on each and every hole in addition to prizes for the top three teams. Players are invited to sign up alone or with a partner. Registration starts at 10:30 a.m. and play begins at noon.
Various levels of sponsorship opportunities are also available. For more information and to reserve your spot in the tournament, please contact Kew Taybi at (859) 380-0781 or Bruce White at (251) 967-3323.
All money raised will be used to support charities for the visually impaired and blind and the Miracle League of Coastal Alabama baseball field and boundless playground being built in Summerdale.