In Their Own Words…
In Their Own Words…
“I wish I could play like Eric Clapton. I really do. But maybe Eric Clapton wishes he could cast a fly rod like I do.”
– Jimmy Buffett.
• “Well, 8-tracks are available through snail mail. Just send me a check, and a self-addressed, stamped envelope.’’
– Grandfather of Trop Rock Brent Burns
• It’s funny to me that I was hard to categorize and I am now a category.’’
– Jimmy Buffett
• “He seemed to be so forceful and energetic all his life, every minute of it, that it’s hard to believe that he wouldn’t have ordered death out of the room.”
– Author Tom McGuane, Buffett’s brother-in-law
• “I can’t change the direction of the wind, but I can adjust my sails.”
– Jimmy Buffett
• “There are already conversations about whether there is a road or something we can build in his honor. I think Mobile definitely needs to do something because of who he is and what he’s done.”
– Mobile Mayor Sandy Stimpson
• “Somebody said once that we were like Deadheads with credit cards. And every now and then, I could slip something in like “He Went to Paris,” one of my favorite songs I wrote. And yeah, the songwriting probably gets overlooked sometimes, but I don’t mind. I’ve had a great run and I’m enjoying it, and I’m not telling people what to listen to.
– Jimmy Buffett
• “Because it’s always five o’clock somewhere, flags of the United States and the State of Florida at the Monroe County Courthouse in Key West, Florida, City of Key West City Hall, and at the State Capitol in Tallahassee, Florida were ordered to be flown at half-staff for 24 hours from 5 p.m. Sept. 7 to 5 p.m. the following day. Floridians ‘Trying to Reason with Hurricane Season’ are encouraged to commemorate the legacy of our adopted native son by raising their margarita glass and enjoying a cheeseburger here in paradise to wish the ‘Son of a Son of a Sailor’ well.” he added.
– Florida Governor Ron Desantis
• “He grew up in a household that was working class, but cultivated people, really, especially his mother. His mother was very literate and a very good book reader. She’d always wanted to go to college, and couldn’t afford to. And she finished her working life and went to college and graduated after starting at 65.”
– JT’s friend/brother-in-law Tom McGuane
• “Though he left the hard partying to his youth, Jimmy Buffett was able to call upon the joyful feeling of an endless summer that inspires the young, and the young at heart. But he also captured the complexities of life, love, and growing older. In a cynical world where the half-life of celebrity can be encompassed in nanosecond news cycles, Buffett endured. He knew who he was and what his fans wanted.’’
– Dan Rather
• “There’s a lot of wreckage on the road to success.”
– Jimmy Buffett
• “Forget that blind ambition, and trust your intuition.”
– Jimmy Buffett