O.B.’s starting and average teacher salaries best in state
O.B.’s starting and average teacher salaries best in state
According to a recent story in alabamaeducationlab.org, Orange Beach School System teachers have the highest starting salary and the highest average salary in Alabama. Additional stipends were not factored into the analysis the website used. For instance, all Alabama teachers with national board certifications receive an additional $5,000 per school year. Math and science teachers in grades 8-12 are also paid additional salary, as are tenured teachers with doctorates. Benefits add another 20 percent to the state’s teacher salaries.
Orange Beach’s starting teacher salary is $46,297, and its average salary of $70,460 also tops the list. The average salary for a Baldwin County School District teacher is $60,008, and the average salary for Gulf Shores’ teachers is $64,527.
Baldwin County School District’s 1,932 teachers average 12 years of experience. The 143 teachers working for Gulf Shores City Schools average 13.9 years of experience. Orange Beach’s 70 teachers average 11.5 years of experience, according to alabamaeducationlab.org.