PBR hosts Bama Breakfast Club pre-season Happy Hour Aug. 28
PBR hosts Bama Breakfast Club pre-season Happy Hour Aug. 28
The BAMA Breakfast Club will hold its pre-season kickoff party on Wednesday, Aug. 28. Roll Tide fans will meet at Ms. Nacy’s Lobby Lounge around 5 p.m. for cocktails and conversation
and then dine in Latitudes 30. This a dutch treat affair so please bring a significant other, and feel free to invite all Bama fans to attend and join the BAMA Breakfast Club that meets each Thursday morning at 8 a.m. in BuzzCatz in Orange Beach.
This is an excellent opportunity to meet new BAMA fans. RSVP to BamaBreakfastClub@yahoo.com with the number of guests.