Robertsdale Garden Club & Honey Bee Festival

Robertsdale Garden Club & Honey Bee Festival

The Robertsdale Garden Club met at the G. P. Thames Adult Activity Center on Tuesday, October 8, 2024, and created many lovely flower arrangements for their homes. Members brought small containers, greenery, and flowers. Member Katie Warren led the group in basic design and assisted members with their creations and also displayed her flower arrangements.

The group finalized plans for the Honey Bee Festival. Member Mona Scott said her 18” x 18” painting is in the final stages. There will be two paintings available for raffle. Tickets will be sold for $5 for 6 tickets. Mary Frances Boykin provided wild flowers sachets and plastic bags for Mary Ann Lindsay to put together with business cards for those who buy raffle tickets. President Sharon Rowland will buy the tickets.

Mary Frances Boykin will finalize plans for the scarecrow contest and will advertise results on line.

The door prize was won by Judy Neal. Next meeting will be November 12 at 10:00 a.m. at the G.P. Thames Adult Activity Center in Robertsdale, AL. Linda Ennis, a Baldwin County Master Gardener, will present a program on “Natural Christmas Arrangements.” Guests are always welcome!

Pictured: Sharon Rowland, President; New members Claudia Barbee and Rhonda Broughton; Club members with creations.