Sand, Sea, & Spirit Retreat at Phoenix VII Sept. 23-29

Sand, Sea, & Spirit Retreat at Phoenix VII Sept. 23-29

The Sand Sea and Spirit Retreat is back and will once again be sharing ways of keeping self and community healthy and balanced from its headquarters at Phoenix VII and various other venues (including the beach) around Orange Beach Sept. 23-29.
For more retreat info, visit Condo reservations may be made 24/7 at 888-633-7101. There is a group rate discount.
A long list of presenters will share wisdom and experience about topics ranging from wholesome nutrition, healing modalities, T’ai Chi, meditation, yoga, reiki and massage to diet and diverse modalities.
The premise behind the retreat is to help attendees find a balance of body, mind and spirit through a holistic approach to life.
The retreat will include opportunities for creative expression through watercolor, crafting jewelry and making masks. Daily entertainment includes some of the finest singers and songwriters in the country.
A diverse group of vendors will offer crystals, hand crafted jewelry and artisan crafts. Holistic practitioners such as massage therapists, reiki masters and aromatherapists will also share their gifts and talents.
Even though this is a ten-day event, participants can customize their experience from one class, one day, to the entire event.
“My dear friend and Spiritual Mama, Dottie Asselin and her beloved husband Joe, created a yearly holistic retreat that lasted for decades,’’ said director Christy Snow. “After they passed away, my dear friend Karen Rollins kept it going. When Karen passed, the event stopped. These people were/are another family to me and every September was my reboot, reconnect, recharge time because of the love and companionship shared there. I miss it and my SSS family, so I’m bringing it back.”
Pictured: One of our presenters at this year’s Sand, Sea, and Spirit retreat is Shannon South, an award winning transpersonal therapist, bestselling author, professional speaker, and expert in the field of spirituality and healing trauma for 20 years. She is also a teacher and facilitator of ICP, a mind-body-spirit healing approach that creates lasting transformation. South has helped thousands of people permanently overcome negative patterns and traumas, find joy, and ignite the life of their dreams. Her retreat topic will be healing archetypes that disconnect us from love through a powerful healing process called the Inner Counselor.