Sept. 14 Genealogical Society meeting open to all
Sept. 14 Genealogical Society meeting open to all
Jeanette Bornholt will present the program “Railroad Bill, Legend or Real Life” at the Sept. 14 meeting of the Baldwin County Genealogical Society at the Foley Public Library meeting room at 10 a.m. All meeting are open to everyone. Reservations required. RSVP to BaldwinGenealogy@gmail. com.
Around 1893, Morris Slater began work as a turpentine still worker in south Alabama. So when did he begin his career as “Railroad Bill”? What ties did he have with Baldwin County back in the 1890’s? What drove him to commit brazen, bold and daring feats against southern railroad companies? Why was he known as the Robin Hood of south Alabama? Was he really the most wanted criminal in the state? What happened to his family? Both legends and facts are a part of our history.
Bornholt has curated Foley Public Library’s Cultural and Heritage Collections for more than 30 years. She has an avid interest in local history as well as historic figures such as Railroad Bill.