Wedding vow renewal parties at LuLu’s and Papa Rocco’s

Wedding vow renewal parties at LuLu’s and Papa Rocco’s

Couples can renew their wedding vows at LuLu’s restaurant in Gulf Shores on Saturday, February 15 at promptly 2 p.m. The party is from 1-3 p.m., and couples will enjoy a romantic afternoon on LuLu’s private sandy beach along the ICW with a champagne toast, wedding cake, flowers for the brides and a customized commemorative wedding vow renewal certificate. Prizes will be awarded to the couples who were married the longest, shortest, and who are dressed the most festively.
Pre-registration is available at or couples can register the day of the event starting at 11 a.m. LuLu’s is located in Gulf Shores at the foot of the ICW Bridge on HWY 59. For more info, visit, or call (251) 967-5858.
Papa Rocco’s wedding vow renewal ceremony, as is always the case, will be held on Valentine’s Day, Feb. 14 beginning at 10:30 a.m. Festivities include a song from an Elvis Presley impersonator, prizes and special surprises. Email paparoccoevents@ to reserve your spots. Papa Rocco’s, home of warm beer, lousy pizza and Gulf Shores’ most avid Michigan Wolverine fan, is located at the corner of 6th Ave. & Hwy. 59 in Gulf Shores.