Alabama Creek Indians topic of Oct. 9 lecture; Lou Vickers speaks to Genealogical Society at Foley Library

Alabama Creek Indians topic of Oct. 9 lectureLou Vickers speaks to Genealogical Society at Foley Library

Atmore author Lou Vickers will talk about his book “Alabama Creek Indians” at the October 9 meeting of the Baldwin County Genealogical Society at 10 a.m. in the Foley Public Library’s meeting room (319 East Laurel Ave.). Pre-registration is required for all members and interested public by emailing your name to Pre-registration ends October 6 and seating is limited.
Vickery is an Alabama Creek Indian through the Moniac lineage, one of the original Poarch Creek families. His book has been described as a well-thought-out and thoroughly researched book that offers the reader a fascinating journey into the history of the Muscogee and Creek Indians.
Vickery offers a timeless material that helps the reader truly navigate the historical, genealogical and biographical base of the Alabama Creek Indians. Topics will include the Creek tribal government and its lifeways evolved over the last several centuries, how Europeans settled and integrated in Creek country, and the construction of the Federal Road in the early 1800s.
Vickery draws this information from first person accounts, letters, government reports, and records.
A Troy State grad, Vickers is a Fairhope resident and former professional baseball player. He hosts a weekly TV show on BLU TV entitled UP TALK.