City of Fairhope Celebrates Arbor Day Feb. 8

City of Fairhope Celebrates Arbor Day Feb. 8

On Saturday, February 8 at 10 a.m. the City of Fairhope will host their Annual Arbor Day Celebration at Coastal Alabama Community College at 10 a.m. under the Live Oak on Bancroft at the John Borom Science Building. The Wisteria Garden Club, Boy Scout Troop #47 and local master gardeners will be assisting with the tree seedling give away, set to begin after the ceremony and will continue until noon. Seedlings available this year will include the following: Sweetshrub, Mockernut Hickory, Fringetree, Dogwood, Southern Redcedar, Longleaf Pine, Hoptree, Post Oak, Pondcypress and Chinese Pistache. For information on the Arbor Day Festivities, call 929-1466.