Gulf Shores announces May bike month events

Gulf Shores announces May bike month events

The City of Gulf Shores will celebrate May’s National Bike Month during the month of May with the following events: National Ride a Bike Day on May 1, Bike to School Day on May 4, Bike to Work Day on May 20, and Bike to Work Week on May 16-22.
Gulf Shores Police will be assisting with the May 4 ride to school event. Children can meet to depart for school at Kids Park Playground area located in Johnnie Sims Park at 7:15 a.m., and Meyer Park at 7:30 a.m. There will be a return ride held after school. Participants should wear a helmet.
“With Gulf Shores being named a Bronze-Level Bicycle Friendly Community by the League of American Bicyclists in 2018, these events are essential to maintaining that status within our community,” City Planner Andy Bauer said. “This is an opportunity for us to further invest in our residents, both adults, and children, by promoting a healthy lifestyle as we encourage a more active bicycling community.”
More info: or 251-968-1151.
National Bike Month, established in 1956, is sponsored by the League of American Bicyclists. It presents a chance to showcase all of the benefits of bicycling and encourage the public to participate.