Montessori Teacher credential course offered in Pensacola beginning June 3

Montessori Teacher credential course offered in Pensacola beginning June 3

A Montessori Early Childhood Teacher Credential Course begins June at Montessori School of Pensacola’s main campus, 4100 Montessori Dr.
The course includes classroom instruction during June and July followed by practicum coursework and is designed to prepare students for working with children two and one half to six. Registration is $100 fee before May 1 and $200 after May 1. Info: or
. The Early Childhood Teacher Credential Course is geared for both existing teachers and those who aspire to become teachers of young children.
Summer intensive dates are June 3-July 3 from 8 a.m.-5 p.m., and coursework continues through the school year. The Montessori Teacher Training is designed to lead to credentialing, employment and careers in Montessori education.