Operation Re-Connect Corvette raffle Nov. 11 at Flora-Bama

Operation Re-Connect Corvette raffle Nov. 11 at Flora-Bama

The raffle for the customized 2019 Corvette (pictured) that has been parked in front of the Flora-Bama for most of trhe past year will be held on Veteran’s Day, November 11. Tickets will be sold on-site until 3 p.m., and the drawing will begin at 4 p.m. Festivities will include musical shoutouts to veterans. Raffle tickets are $20 each, or 10 Tickets for $100 and available at OperationReConnect.org. Operation Re-Connect is a local charity whose mission is to provide beach-front accommodations for a week free of charge to returning Armed Services members and their families, serving every branch and rank including Active, Guard and Reservists.