Volunteers needed to help recycle during TenSixtyFive Fest in  Mobile

Volunteers needed to help recycle during TenSixtyFive Fest in  Mobile

Volunteers are needed to help recycle at the TenSixtyFive Music Festival set for Friday, September 29 – Sunday, October 1 in downtown Mobile. Volunteers will set up and pick up recycling containers each day of the festival, empty the containers, and carry bags of recyclables to onsite trailers.
“This year’s effort will be a little simpler than years prior because we no longer need to sort recyclables,” said Valerie Longa, Eco-Team Coordinator for a Cleaner, Greener LoDa. “Thanks to the City’s single stream recycling, it will be easier than ever to recycle plastic and aluminum at the event.”
The 1065 Music Festival is a free event that welcomes the public to enjoy the outdoors and listen to nationally known artists. Blue clear-stream recycling containers will be placed throughout the festival grounds next to trash cans, and everyone attending the festival can help keep the event clean by disposing of recyclable materials in the proper containers.
“Our guests appreciate the opportunity to listen to music in a clean environment, and we appreciate the efforts of volunteers helping to recycle festival materials,” said event coordinator Amy Baldwin with Gulf Distributing Holdings, LLC. “1065 wants to extend a HUGE Thank You to the Alabama Coastal Foundation and Thompson Engineering for funding this initiative for our community. Everyone’s collaboration makes this event a success.”
Thompson Engineering is sponsoring this year’s recycling effort through a grant from the Thompson Foundation. The Alabama Department of Environmental Management will provide its recycling trailers to store and transport materials. Additionally, they will be set up in Cathedral Square conducting outreach and handing out fun swag. All volunteers must be at least 18 years of age to participate; volunteers will receive an Eco-Team t-shirt. Interested volunteers can sign up at the Alabama Coastal Foundation’s website at joinACF.org. For further information about 1065’s Eco-Team and volunteering, contact vlonga@joinACF.org or call 251-990-6002.