$3.6 million RESTORE Funds for more Perdido beachfront

$3.6 million RESTORE Funds for more Perdido beachfront

The Escambia County Board of County Commissioners (BCC) is pursuing an amendment to its RESTORE Multi-Year Implementation Plan (MYIP) that includes $3.6 million for “Perdido Key Beach Public Access Property Acquisition.”
If approved by the BCC and US Treasury, the funds would be used for “property acquisition, design, permitting and construction of public infrastructure improvements to facilitate public Access to the Gulf of Mexico.”
The public has 45 days to comment on the amendment following the BCC’s July 18 meeting before final Board action and transmission to the US Treasury.
Escambia County has prioritized enhancing public, and money allocated for Perdido Key will fund the property acquisition, design, permitting, and construction of public infrastructure improvements to facilitate public access to the Gulf of Mexico, attract additional people to the community, and enhance the economy, according to the BCC remomendation.
The project will include public parking and a dune walkovers with an observation platform and habitat restoration to maximize benefits to the endangered Perdido Key beach mouse.
A near-shore artificial reef will be designed and permitted for increased snorkeling, diving and fishing opportunities.
Other BCC recomnedations include: $2.75 million for Pensacola Beach Bob Sikes Fishing Pier Rehabilitation; $1.1 million for Cantonment Community Center Construction; $1.1 million for CRA Infrastructure Economic Development Program; $550,000 for South Navy Boulevard Improvements