A Simple Thanksgiving Poem by Kay Cole

A Simple Thanksgiving Poem by Kay Cole

This poem was written by Gulf Shores Women’s Club member Kay Cole and shared in the Kiwanis Club of Big Lagoon Nevember newsletter.
If you think Thanksgiving as turkey and dressing,
Sit down and remember your last blessing.
I’m grateful that four of my kids are now grown,
And they all have a job-and they don’t live at home.
The last child is fine so I hear through the mail,
And none of the five ever spent time in jail.
My washer and dryer are in good repair,
And thanks to my tweezers, I don’t have gray hair.
I can walk unassisted; my car doesn’t stall
So I’m happy for days I can charge through the mall.
I’m glad I can get into most of my skirts,
And my husband can’t stand to have starched, iron shirts.
I adore having grandkids who love all my cooking,
And it’s great eating chocolate when nobody’s looking.
I am truly proud of my cellular phone,
And my cat’s glad to see me each time I come home.
So just thank the Lord for the blessings He sends,
Like the love and laughter we share with good friends.