Body, Mind, Spirit Expo Jan. 7 at O.B. Event Center

Body, Mind, Spirit Expo Jan. 7 at O.B. Event Center

Come get a New Year’s reading at The Orange Beach: Body, Mind, Spirit Expo scheduled on January 7 from 10 a.m. ‘til 7 p.m. at the Orange Beach Event Center at The Wharf. The event is a perfect way to spend an afternoon for people who are into alternative health, and wellness tools and products. It will also feature holistic and metaphysical practitioners.
“We will have life-changing guests, intuitives, psychics, readers, healers, practitioners, crystals, lightworkers, massage, books, shamans, alternative healing therapies, services, speakers, tarot readers, mediums, healers, metaphysical gifts, and more,’’ said event director Ericka Boussarhane, who is also an international psychic medium.
The event will have over 100 booths, seminars, and services to enlighten and entertain your senses. Vendors are still being accepted. For more info, visit or call 850-941-4321.