Fly Fishing Fest May 5-6 at State Park Learning Center

Fly Fishing Fest May 5-6 at State Park Learning Center

The Gulf Coast Council of Fly Fishers International will present the 1st Annual Gulf Coast Classic Fly Fishing Festival May 5-6 at the Learning Campus of Gulf State Park. More info:
A first-of-its-kind event for the Gulf Coast region, the Classic is open to the public and will offer a wide range of fly fishing related activities to attendees including: Seminars on fishing locations, tactics, and multiple species; Exhibitors and vendors; Fly tying demonstrations; Conservation programs; Beginner fly casting instruction (free with admission); Beginner fly tying instruction (free with admission); Fly tying workshops (registration required, cost $20-$50); Casting workshops (registration required, cost $0-$20); Mixed Bag Fishing Tournament (free with admission); Fly Fishing Film Tour-F3T (ticket purchase required, limited seating). Raffles & silent auctions will include items such as Orvis & Sage fly rods, hand-tied flies, a Nucanoe Kayak and other one-of-a-kind items
The Mixed Bag, will serve to highlight the diversity of the park and region as anglers are challenged to focus on diversity, not size. Free to all Classic attendees, the Mixed Bag will challenge fly anglers (adult & youth) to catch, photo, release (CPR) as many of the 25 selected species as possible over the course of the festival. Each entry, whether bluegill or tarpon, will count the same with the angler who lands the most qualifying species being declared the winner on Saturday afternoon.
The Classic will culminate Saturday evening with a showing of the 2023 Fly Fishing Film Tour (F3T). Local experts Captain Chip Smith (By Land and By Sea Charters) and Peter Jordan (Lost Angler Fly Shop) will offer seminars with a focus on fly fishing education and conservation in the Gulf Coast region.