K. of C. taking orders for Boston Butts thru June 25

K. of C. taking orders for Boston Butts thru June 25

The Philip A. Lambert Council of the Knights of Columbus in Gulf Shores is pre-selling Boston butts for Ju;y 4 weekend to raise funds for its charities. Butts are $35 each. Orders for perfectly cooked butts will be taken until noon on June 25. To order a butt, contact Jim Spencer at 850-384-5037 or gk@gulfshoreskofc.org or visit olg.org. Butts can be picked up June 30 from 8:30-11:30 a.m. at Our Lady of the Gulf Catholic Church at 308 East 22nd Ave. in Gulf Shores. This is a great way to get your July 4 BBQ fix.