Maidens in Pink Stilettos Cornhole Tourney Sept. 24

Maidens in Pink Stilettos Cornhole Tourney Sept. 24

The 2nd Annual Maidens in Pink Stilettos Cornhole Tournament will be held Sept. 24 at The Boat Bar at The Wharf in Orange Beach. First throw is at 11 a.m. Get your team and your bags ready, and come out to “Toss with a Cause” with the Maidens and its sponsors. Proceeds will benefit Mary’s Shelter and The Lighthouse. All games in the double elimination tourney will be played using ACA rules/scoring. This is a rain or shine event. In addition to a $500 cash prize, there will be second and third place prizes. For additional registration info and sponsor opportunities, email or call 251-747-2530. Sponsor forms can be mailed to Kim Hychee, 14730 Summerdale, AL. 36580.