TOI Krewe Visits DayBreak Senior Day Care

TOI Krewe Visits DayBreak Senior Day Care

The seniors at DayBreak Senior Daycare were thrilled to be visited by members of the Treasures of the Isle (TOI) as the krewe made its annual Goodwill Mardi Gras Tour. The Goodwill Tour aims to provide a special Mardi Gras celebration for those in our community who may not otherwise have the opportunity to enjoy this holiday. Everyone had a great time and all the seniors received gifts. Pictured here, enjoying the reverie of the Mardi Gras celebration are the costumed krewe from TOI and the participants of DayBreak. DayBreak Senior Daycare provides participants’ fulltime caregiver with short term relief from the unrelenting demands of care giving by providing time out to grocery shop, attend support groups, or visit friends and family. Info: 251-752-1849 or 251-968-2411.