Wildflowers, Perdido Beach Resort & silent donor raise $190K for CSC
Wildflowers, Perdido Beach Resort & silent donor raise $190K for CSC
By Janice Moss
The net proceeds from the Wildflowers Boutique and Perdido Beach Resort 10th Annual Toys for Kids Charity Fundraiser for the Christian Service Center totaled $127,000 from the event alone, including table sponsorships, tickets, silent and live auctions, and numerous individual and business donations. The event was truly beyond successful! An anonymous matching grant ($1 for every $2 raised) brought the grand total to an amazing $190,000. ($30,000 was added after the photo was taken) The Christian Service Center volunteers and board members are immensely appreciative and thankful for such an incredible blessing. We want to thank everyone who contributed to this tremendous outpouring of love for the Center and its mission to serve those less fortunate. We thank Mayor Kennon and the Orange Beach City Council for their support as well. A special thanks to Terri Long, Candice Duncan, Penny and Carl Groux, and the many people who worked with them to make this event such a success.
The benefit to children will go beyond toys at Christmas and beyond other children’s programs such as birthday club, summer backpack food, and school supplies. When the Center helps a family with food, utilities, or rent assistance, children are blessed with a roof over their head, power on in the house, and food on the table. Thank you to all for joining with us in our mission. We strive to be good stewards of the funds provided to CSC while serving as the hands and feet of Christ. CSC is an all volunteer 501(c)(3) agency; there are no salaries, no one is paid. The Center provides food and emergency financial aid to low income families in Gulf Shores, Orange Beach, and Ft. Morgan.
317 Dolphin Avenue, Gulf Shores; 251-968-5256; cscenter1991@gmail.com; website cscgs.com
Pictured: (front) Penny and Carl Groux, Perdido Beach Resort; Linda Chappelle, CSC Director; Terri Long and Candice Duncan, Wildflowers Boutique; Jennifer McIntire, PBR; (back) Kimmy Tribunella, PBR; Chef Brody Olive, Voyagers at PBR.