100 kids take Walking Bus to Fairhope Elementary daily
100 kids take Walking Bus to Fairhope Elementary daily
The Baldwin County Trailblazers celebrated International Walk to School Month by adding a new pilot program at Fairhope Intermediate School to the Walking School Bus that is thriving at Fairhope Elementary School. More than 100 students and 45 parents walk to school together at Fairhope Elementary. And 30 plus students and 10 parents walk together at Fairhope Intermediate. and our (walking 30+ students & 10 parents daily) will have special days this week to highlight the program. Typical walking time is about 15 minutes. We’d love to have you come out and join in on the fun! Let us know if we can set something up for you!
Walk to School Day is an international event celebrated in October each year. Thousands of communities join in with events that get families, teachers and community members walking together, while educating children and families about the benefits of walking.