Fishing Fun
Fishing Fun: (Clockwise from top left) The Underwood family brightened a cloudy day in Gulf Shores with the catch and release of this “bull” redfish. They also caught some smaller fish which they ate. (Photo by Brittany Underwood); 10 year old Emmet Callins bundled up and landed this 6 pound 7 ounce sheepshead, the biggest of their trip on the State pier. He used a Carolina rig with a live shrimp. Photo by Photo by Shea Callins; It was a foggy day when Kayden Ausley landed this hefty pompano from the Gulf state Park Pier. Photo by Ellis “Cajun” Cattan; Les Hurst caught this beast on March 26. Measured at 24.5 inches and weighed on the the fish grip at about 12 1/2 pounds. Pic by Les Hurst.