Gulf Shores to require condos to post dangerous surf info

Gulf Shores to require condos to post dangerous surf info

As part of an ongoing BEach Safe campaign, Gulf Shores is requiring beachfront condos to post signage about dangersous surf conditions and rip currents. The ordinance amended April 10 already required gulf-front condos to post their address facing the beach. That same ordinance was amended Monday night, April 10 to add the new requirement. Orange Beach has a similar ordinance in place,
The city will pay $2,800 for the same signs that are already posted at all public beach entry points and in many area restaurants. The initiative also includes the ALBEACHES text alert dangerous surf conditions program.
BEach Safe ia an iniative initiated by Gulf Shores & Orange Beach Tourism in 2022 in partnearship with South Baldwin cities and the Baldwin County Sheriff’s Dept. among other entities as a way to reduce rescues and drownings by educating visitors and residents with important, life-saving info.