Lost Key Krewe is open to all

Lost Key Krewe is open to all

The Lost Key Krewe is adding a 2nd T-Top Boat Float to accomodate more riders for its participation in four Gulf Coast Mardi Gras parades. Annual membership is $300 and includes a guaranteed permanent spot on a float in two Pensacola parades and the Orange Beach and Pensacola Beach parades. Safety walkers (free) are also needed for the parades.
“If we can fill both floats with memberships, next winter we will be able to launch our very first Lost Key Krewe Ball on the Key and keep developing our giving back program in more locally needed projects & collaborations,’’ said krewe founder Cheri Bone.
All local charities will be considered by the krewe membership, and sponsorships are available. More info, visit keygulls.org, go to facebook, email info@lostkeykrewe.com or call 850-898-0956.
Established as a non-profit since 2021, the krewe raises money towards the betterment of the Perdido Key community through fundraisers, special events & volunteer work. Most recently, the krewe hosted an early January food distribution day.