Robertsdale Garden Club announces plans for this year

Robertsdale Garden Club announces plans for this year

By Mary Ann Lindsay
The Robertsdale Garden Club has announced its programs for the coming year as well as selected the Fact Finding Flower and theme for the flower show for the upcoming Baldwin County Fair.
The Fact Finding Flower for the year is the White Fringed Bog Orchid. A program regarding this flower will be presented by Shelly Yntema at the October 8 meeting.
The theme for the flower show for the Baldwin County Fair will be “Salute to Alabama” in recognition of Alabama’s 200th birthday.
Other programs for the year include: “Floral Designs-Principles, Table scapes and Hats;” “Planting by the Sign of the Moon;” “Orchids for Beginners;” and a plant exchange.
Field trips are planned for Bellingrath Gardens to see “Cascading Chrysanthemums;” “Festival of Flowers,” in Mobile; and a stroll along the ”Antique Rose Trail” in Foley.
The club welcomed new member Sharon Rowland who lives in Stapleton. Sharon has an interest in butterflies, herbs, and general gardening topics.
Guests are always welcome to attend our programs and field trips. The group meets the second Tuesday of each month (September-May) at the G. P. Thames Senior Center, 22651 E. Chicago St., Robertsdale. For additional information call President Ken Ramey at 947-5751.