Sleep’s relationship to dementia topic of Oct. 28 O.B. luncheon

Sleep’s relationship to dementia topic of Oct. 28 O.B. luncheon

Janet Rich Pittman, whose moniker is (pictured) The Brain Nerd, will speak on Lack of Sleep and its relationship to dementia and alzheimer’s during a luncheon at the Orange Beach Senior Center on Friday October 28. Cost is $10, and reservations are required. Call 251-981-3440 for reservations or more info.
During her speech, Pittman will address: Definition of Dementia, why and how one succumbs to Dementia, highlighting lack of sleep, the 5 Stages of Sleep, Brain Sleep Cleaning System, and Ways to Get to Sleep and Stay Sleeping.
Pittman’s mission is to help all keep their memory and have good brain health. For more info about her work, visit, or call 251-648-0325.