State issues $2 million grant for third lane on additional stretch of Hwy. 59; $14.4 already secured for 3rd lane to Ft. Morgan & separate pedestrian bridge
The City of Gulf Shores has been awarded an additional $2 million in state funds to improve Hwy. 59 traffic flow by adding a third southbound lane from Coastal Gateway Blvd. (formerly County Rd. 8) to Cotton Creek Dr.
The city was previously awarded $14.4 million in federal funds to add a third southbound Hwy. 59 lane from Cotton Creek Dr. to Ft. Morgan Rd. on the southside of the Intracoastal Waterway Bridge.
ATRIP also awarded a $1 million state grant to The City of Foley for turning lane improvements to the intersection at Hwy. 59 and County Rd. 12.
As a requirement to the latest ATRIP-II grant, Gulf Shores is providing a local funding match of $273,258 and Foley is providing $250,140 in matching funds.
The two grants are part of $45 million in funding awarded to cities and counties for various road and bridge projects through the Alabama Transportation Rehabilitation and Improvement Program, which sets aside a minimum of $30 million off the top of ALDOT’s share of new gas tax revenue for projects of local interest on the state highway system. All projects are required to move forward within two years of the awarding of funds.
“Even as we are overcoming new challenges with the (COVID-19) virus, we remain ever committed to making needed improvements to our infrastructure,” Governor Ivey said. “I am proud that Rebuild Alabama is making these investments possible in areas all across our state.”
There were 27 projects selected for ATRIP funding for a total of $45.99 million. Of those awarded projects, 20 were from cities and counties putting forward matching funds totaling $15.7 million. .
U.S. Senator Richard Shelby spearheaded the $14,404,831 grant issued in 2019 to fund a project to increase the capacity of State Hwy. 59 and build an adjacent pedestrian bridge across the Intracoastal Waterway. The grant was made available as part of the DOT Better Utilizing Investment to Leverage Development (BUILD) Grant Program, which focuses on economic development and infrastructure upgrades.
“The $14.4 million BUILD grant from DOT will enhance the safety and efficiency along Hwy. 59, as well as alleviate excessive traffic,’’ Shelby said.
Contractors have already started using the BUILD grant to construct approximately two miles of a third southbound lane on Hwy. 59 from County Rd. 8 to Fort Morgan Rd.
In addition to the new pedestrian bridge over the Intracoastal Waterway, the grant will be used to construct shared-use paths along Hwy. 59 from 20th Ave. to County Rd. 4 and the expansion of County Rd. 6 from a two-lane roadway to a divided four-lane boulevard with dedicated cycling lanes and a shared-use pedestrian path.
“This project will provide safe bicycle and pedestrian routes, ease traffic congestion, improve emergency response and expedite the evacuation process for our residents and the millions of visitors we host annually, ” said Gulf Shores Mayor Robert Craft when the BUILD grant was announced.
“I would like to thank Senator Richard Shelby and our Congressional delegation for their assistance with this grant process. This project would not be possible without their unwavering support.”