ARC in the Park event May 11 at Big Lagoon State Park
ARC in the Park event May 11 at Big Lagoon State Park
The Big Lagoon Kiwanis Club and the Big Lagoon State Park rangers are partnering to provide a fun day in the park for the mentally and/or physically challenged young adults in our community. This yearly activity was curtailed the past few years due to Covid and the park closure. We are happy to announce the event is back this year. Admission to Big Lagoon State Park is free for this event.
Mark your calendar for the ARC in the Park event on May 11 from 10 a.m.-1 p.m.
“This event is for the most forgotten group of young adults in our community, those challenged with mental and physical disabilities. We’ll be providing lunch, nature walks, presentations, and crafts,’’ said Dayre Lias of the Kiwanis of Big Lagoon. “The ARC has notified all the group homes that house these folks, but all challenged adults are invited. So, we want to get the word to those not living in a group home.’’