Baldwin Prayer Breakfast slated May 2 in Robertsdale
Baldwin Prayer Breakfast slated May 2 in Robertsdale
The 20th Annual Baldwin County Prayer Breakfast will be held on May 2 at the Baldwin County Coliseum (19477 Fairground Rd.) in Robertsdale beginning with breakfast at 6:30 a.m. followed by a 7 a.m. program with guest speaker Mark Foley, Ph.D. Tickets are $30 per person. More info: 251- 947-2626. Dr. Foley served as the third president of the University of Mobile from 1998 to 2016. During his 18-year tenure, he helped establish outstanding programs such as the Center for Performing Arts, and led the university to unprecedented national rankings. The university invested $44.8 million in capital projects during his tenure. He is an ordained minister, a former business owner, and a professional counselor.