By Mary Ann Lindsay

Wanda Martin, Baldwin County Master Gardener, shared her education about hydrangeas with the members and guest of the Robertsdale Garden Club at the March meeting. Her presentation included pictures of the various type of hydrangeas, the effect of the soil on the color, when to plant them, and how to propagate them. She uses 10-10-10 fertilizer on her hydrangeas. She answered questions from the group about the beautiful flower which has special meaning to her.

A general meeting was held following Ms. Martin’s program. Guest Claudia Barbee was welcomed to the group. The club will participate in the Honeybee Festival in Robertsdale, Alabama on November 2, 2024. Mary Ann Lindsay will head the committee of Sharon Rowland and Shelly Yntema. The form for the Festival will be available in May.

The Nominating Committee will call members to determine officers for the next two years. Installation of officers will be at the May meeting in conjunction with the plant exchange.
The Club will be on hiatus until the September meeting.