Blind draw is a big draw for April 5 Lions Golf Tourney
Blind draw is a big draw for April 5 Lions Golf Tourney
Registration and sponsorship opportunities are open for the 49th Annual Gulf Shores Lions Club Charities Max Wilson Memorial Golf for Sight Tournament scheduled for Friday, April 5 at Gulf Shores Golf Club. More info: Kew Taybi at (859) 380-0781 or Bruce White at (251) 967-3323.
The club’s largest fundraiser of the year, the 4-ball tourney utilizes a blind draw to pair up two person teams to give everyone a fair chance to win regardless of handicap. Registraition starts at 10 a.m., with a shotgun start slated at 11:30 a.m.
The $200 per person ($400 per two man team) entry fee includes a post tournament meal, fabulous prizes and supports the many Lions Club charities. The entry fee also includes green fees, cart rental, range balls, a raffle ticket, and three beverage tickets. Cash Prizes will be awarded on each and every hole.