“Little Lagoon Pass: How did we get here?”
“Little Lagoon Pass: How did we get here?”
is topic of the LLPS April 18 meeting in G.S.
“Little Lagoon Pass; How did we get here?’’ will be the topic for the Little Lagoon Preservation Society (LLPS) meeting on Thursday, April 18 at the Gulf Shores Activity Center, located at 260 Clubhouse Drive in Gulf Shores. The meeting is open to all interested and starts at 5:30 p.m. with socializing, light food and beverages. At 6, p.m. there will be presentations led by Dennis Hatfield, President of LLPS.
Dennis will discuss the previous locations of the pass, the legal battles to establish a permanent pass know known as Callaway Pass, and the resulting rules ordered by the court to maintain the pass. Please plan to join the group for this informative presentation. More info: littlelagoon.org