Auroras’ White Christmas In The Tropics Dec. 2 at Perdido Beach Resort
By Nancy McMeekan
The Mystical Order of Aurora Mardi Gras organization is once again opening its Christmas party to the public to provide toys for children this holiday season. The Auroras’ “White Christmas in the Tropics” party will be 7:30 p.m. Friday, Dec. 2 at the Perdido Beach Resort and tickets are still available. “This fun and beautiful party is a wonderful way to celebrate the season,” said Melinda Hughes, Chair of the event. “Everyone brings a toy for our local children in need, which will be given through Christian Services Center, and we dress in holiday cocktail attire and dance to Six Piece Suits, a fabulous dance band. We hope you’ll come celebrate with us!” Ladies are encouraged to wear white, and the scene is set with beautiful seasonal décor. Gentlemen are not required to wear jackets or ties but no shorts please. Tickets are available at Pictured: Melinda Hughes, right, Chair of the White Christmas in the Tropics party and Carmen Watkins, left, Aurora member; Donna and Alan RyalsAurora member and spouse, dressed for the occasion; Eva Keesee, president of the Auroras, Cyndi Stacy, inaugural member, Marlene Lowe, vice president.